Monday, June 6, 2011

Confederate Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery

June 6, 2011

Ceremonies honour fallen Southern heroes

The Washington Post is running an AP article about Confederate Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery, the former property of General Robert E. Lee that was stolen by the US government and used as a burial ground for Northern soldiers who were killed attempting to conquer the Southern States. Later, the Federals began burying soldiers from all the many foreign wars they have involved themselves in as well.
The United Daughters of the Confederacy are marking Confederate Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery.
The Richmond-based group has events scheduled Sunday morning and afternoon at the Confederate Monument on the cemetery grounds.
Confederate Memorial Day is recognized on various dates across the south.
The monument at Arlington dates to 1914 and it remains a controversial landmark.
American presidents have traditionally marked the day by sending a wreath to the site. In 2009, several dozen university professors and scholars asked President Barack Obama to end the tradition, which they considered offensive.
Obama refused but began another tradition of also sending a presidential wreath to a Washington monument honoring African-Americans who fought in the Civil War

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